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Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1&2 for Queensland 2E LearnON and Print Image

Jacaranda Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods Units 1&2 for Queensland 2E LearnON and Print

ISBN: 9781394269549
Pub date:
RRP: $90

The Jacaranda Maths Quest for Queensland series has been entirely updated for the revised Queensland Senior Syllabus. Created by experienced Queensland teachers, the new Maths Quest for Queensland series provides all the tools to help your students progress and achieve success.

Available now in learnON, Australia’s most powerful online learning platform, which brings trusted Jacaranda content to life.

Visible learning and accessibility

  • Each lesson is mapped directly to the revised Queensland Senior Syllabus, ensuring 100% coverage for teachers.
  • Each lesson is scaffolded using three question types — simple familiar, complex familiar and complex unfamiliar — to prepare students for assessment.

Unparalleled exam support

  • Students access practice exam questions in every lesson and in the chapter review, with sample responses.
  • A custom exam‑builder can be filtered by unit, differentiation and question type; a printable exam practice booklet is also available.

Step-by-step approach to problem-solving and modelling tasks

  • NEW! Practical student guide, stepping them through how to approach and complete problem-solving and modelling tasks.
  • Bank of quarantined assessment tasks, including teaching advice to assist teachers to create quality problem‑solving and modelling tasks.

More than a textbook

  • learnON is everything you need to prepare and deliver effective lessons in one place.
  • Engage students with a multimodal learning experience, including videos and interactivities.
  • Save time assessing, with ready-made auto-marked question sets, chapter tests and practice assessments with sample responses.
  • Identify and act on areas of weakness early, with instant reports and learning data.
  • Edit the course content to customise student learning and reduce cognitive load.

1 Surds

1.1 Overview

1.2 The real number system and surds

1.3 Simplifying surds

1.4 Operations with surds and rationalising the denominator

1.5 Review

2 Quadratic functions

2.1 Overview

2.2 Solving quadratic equations with rational roots

2.3 Solving quadratic equations over R

2.4 Graphs of quadratic functions

2.5 The discriminant

2.6 Modelling with quadratic functions

2.7 Review

3 Binomial expansion and cubic functions

3.1 Overview

3.2 Pascal's triangle and binomial expansions

3.3 The binomial theorem

3.4 Polynomials and cubic functions

3.5 Graphing cubic functions

3.6 Solving cubic equations

3.7 Modelling cubic functions

3.8 Review

4 Introduction to functions and relations

4.1 Overview

4.2 Functions and relations

4.3 Function notation

4.4 Piece-wise functions

4.5 Review

5 Graphs of relations and reciprocal functions

5.1 Overview

5.2 The circle

5.3 The sideways parabola and square root function

5.4 The reciprocal function

5.5 Review

6 Trigonometric functions

6.1 Overview

6.2 Trigonometry review

6.3 Radian measure

6.4 Unit circle definitions

6.5 Exact values and symmetry properties

6.6 Graphs of the sine, cosine and tangent functions

6.7 Solving trigonometric equations

6.8 Transformations of the sine and cosine graphs

6.9 Modelling with trigonometric functions

6.10 Review

7 Probability

7.1 Overview

7.2 Concepts of probability

7.3 Relative frequency

7.4 Conditional probability

7.5 Independence

7.6 Review

8 Indices and index laws

8.1 Overview

8.2 Index laws

8.3 Negative and fractional indices

8.4 Scientific notation

8.5 Review

9 Introduction to exponential functions

9.1 Overview

9.2 Solving exponential equations

9.3 Graphs of exponential functions

9.4 Modelling with exponential functions

9.5 Review

10 Logarithms and logarithmic functions

10.1 Overview

10.2 Logarithms and logarithmic laws

10.3 Indicial equations and logarithms

10.4 Graphs of logarithmic functions

10.5 Modelling with logarithmic functions

10.6 Review

11 Rates of change and the concept of derivatives

11.1 Overview

11.2 Average rates of change

11.3 Differentiation from first principles

11.4 Differentiation by rule

11.5 Interpreting the derivatives

11.6 Differentiation of power functions

11.7 Review

12 Graphical applications of derivatives

12.1 Overview

12.2 Instantaneous rates of change

12.3 Tangents and normals of a graph

12.4 Kinematics

12.5 Curve sketching

12.6 Review

13 Differentiation rules

13.1 Overview

13.2 The chain rule

13.3 The product rule

13.4 The quotient rule

13.5 Combinations of the chain rule, product rule and quotient rule

13.6 Review