Jacaranda Teacher Resource Request Form

Jacaranda is pleased to provide schools adopting Jacaranda in 2024 with complimentary access to digital teacher resources.

This form is intended for individual teachers who need to request access to their Jacaranda resources. If your colleagues also need to request teacher access, please share this form with them.

To make a teaching resource request, please follow these steps:

  1. Check your JacPLUS Bookshelf () to see if your access has already been extended for 2024 (expiry date is end of 2024)
  2. Read the below Terms & conditions and complete the request form on the next page

Terms & conditions:

To qualify for complimentary teacher access to Jacaranda resource(s), your school must either:

  1. Include that Jacaranda resource on your Booklist for 2024
  2. Or make a new purchase of 12+ student copies (print and/or digital) of that Jacaranda resource for 2024

You or your school must provide a copy of the Booklist or Purchase Order for verification.


Please confirm that you have read and agreed to these terms*:

Yes, I have read and agreed to the Terms & conditions, and can confirm that we meet the requirements for complimentary digital access.
No, I do not meet the requirements. Cancel this request.

This field is required

First Name is required

Last Name is required

Role is required

Thanks for your interest! Complimentary teacher resource requests are only available to teachers currently working within a school

Please provide a valid email address like [email protected]

Please provide a valid phone number

To request access to your Jacaranda titles, please select all the relevant curriculum(s), subject(s) and year level(s) below:

Note: If your school is adopting Jacaranda for 2024 but you are unsure what subject(s)/year level(s) you will be teaching next year, please request access to all relevant titles you may need teacher access to.

Please select the Jacaranda title(s) you require access to below.
Note, you can only request up to 30 titles per request.

*Please complete all required fields.

To verify your adoption for 2024, please provide your Booklist or Purchase Order:

  1. Click UPLOAD HERE.
  2. A new tab will open. Upload your file.
  3. Once uploaded, return to this page to SUBMIT your request.

Did you upload your Booklist or Purchase Order above?

Yes, I uploaded this to the link above
No, I will give you the contact details of a colleague who can provide this (Head of Department, Librarian, Resource Coordinator etc.)

This field is required

Contact First Name is required

Contact Last Name is required

Contact Role is required

Please provide a valid email address like [email protected]

*Please click SUBMIT to complete your request.

Your request has been cancelled. 
By providing contact details in this form, you consent to receive electronic communications informing you of products, services and offers from Jacaranda, a division of John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, and its related companies. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time. View our Privacy Policy here.