Jacaranda Physics


Developed specifically to help teachers address and unpack the Physics Stage 6 Syllabus (2017) and spark the interest of students studying Physics.

How we are different

  • Accessible


    Accessible for every student

    Language has been carefully selected to appeal to students of all abilities and practice questions at the end of sub-topics reinforce learning.

  • Syllabus Aligned


    Perfectly aligned to the Syllabus

    The series provides complete coverage of the Syllabus – achieving all the Working Scientifically and Knowledge and Understanding outcomes.

  • Teacher Support


    A rich bank of teacher support

    Available in the eGuidePLUS are a rich bank of teacher support documents including printables, fully worked solutions, answers to questions and practical activities, editable module planners, Syllabus grid, practical notes and support and assessment tasks.

Titles in this series


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Physics 11 for NSW 4e learnON
ISBN: 9781394154296
Publication Date: NOV 2017
RRP: $50

Digital + Print

Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Physics 11 for NSW 4e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730347774
Publication Date: NOV 2017
RRP: $90

TIP: Expand the sample for the best viewing!


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Physics 12 for NSW 4e learnON
ISBN: 9781394154364
Publication Date: NOV 2017
RRP: $50

Digital + Print

Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Physics 12 for NSW 4e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730356486
Publication Date: NOV 2017
RRP: $90

TIP: Expand the sample for the best viewing!

  • Series features

    The latest editions of Jacaranda’s Physics for NSW series include these key features:

    • Syllabus alignment: Written specifically to address the new Physics Stage 6 Syllabus, including the learning objectives at the start of every topic.
    • Visual learning experience: Provides an unmatched visual learning experience, with complementary interactivities and fully worked solutions for every question.
    • Accessible language: Language has been carefully selected to appeal to students of all abilities, and practice questions at the end of subtopics reinforce learning.
    • Working Scientifically and Knowledge and Understanding activities: Suggested throughout the topics to help teachers plan.
    • Topic summaries and exercises: Each topic contains a summary of all the key learning points as well as two topic-level exercises comprised of 30+ questions.

  • Authors

    Kahni Burrows

    Dan O’Keefe

    Graeme Lofts

    Bruce Mckay

    Ric Morante

    Joseph Barry Mott

    Michael Andriessen

    Murray Anderson

    Peter Pentland

    Ross Phillips


Feedback from schools about the new Jacaranda Physics series

Want to learn more about the 2017 Syllabus changes and how Jacaranda is addressing them?

Read our blog post The Stage 6 Syllabus (2017): what does it mean for Mathematics and Physics? to learn more about:

  • The important changes for the new Stage 6 Syllabus
  • Insights from our expert authors and publishers
  • Why you should choose Jacaranda Physics


Take a closer look!

Book a demo of Jacaranda Physics NSW Stage 6 today.