Jacaranda Retroactive


The Jacaranda Retroactive NSW Ac series is designed to support the huge variety and range of approaches and styles for successfully teaching history, providing a rich set of tools and activities that every teacher can use to bring history to life in their own way.

How we are different

  • Interactive


    Bringing history to life

    A rich suite of stunning new images, videos, interactivities – to spark students’ curiosity and imagination.

    Sample Video

  • Supportive


    Helping teachers teach their way

    A diverse range of activities to help teachers teach history their way and give teachers the best possible experience regardless of technology constraints and platform choices.

  • Accessible


    Accessible to every student

    Activities organised from lower to higher levels of complexity plus challenge opportunities for those thirsting for more.

  • Insightful


    Unlock deep insights into performance

    With learnON, Jacaranda’s powerful online platform, teachers can unlock deep insights into student and cohort performance.


Titles in this series


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Retroactive 1 Stage 4 NSW AC 2e learnON
ISBN: 9780730360438
Publication Date: Nov 2017
RRP: $60

Digital + Print

Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Retroactive 1 Stage 4 NSW AC 2e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730348009
Publication Date: Nov 2017
RRP: $90

TIP: Expand the sample for the best viewing!


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Retroactive 2 Stage 5 NSW AC 2e learnON
ISBN: 9780730360483
Publication Date: Nov 2017
RRP: $60

Digital + Print

Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Retroactive 2 Stage 5 NSW AC 2e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730347705
Publication Date: Nov 2017
RRP: $90

TIP: Expand the sample for the best viewing!

Why NSW History teachers trust Jacaranda:

Jarrod Hall from St. Dominic’s College shares how the Jacaranda Retroactive NSW Ac series has supported his teaching, simplified assigning student work, saved time marking and reviewing work and offered a range of engaging multimedia to support learning.

  • Series features

    The latest editions of the Jacaranda Retroactive series include these key features:

    • Organised topics: Topics are organised around syllabus content, then structured into subtopics that present sections of content to suit classroom teaching practice.
    • Focus on historical sources: Accompanying activities target students’ understanding and application of historical skills and concepts.
    • Activity bank: Each subtopic ends with an activity bank to further apply students’ knowledge, skills, and concepts as required by the curriculum.
    • SkillBuilders: Embedded within topics to help students develop confidence in working with historical sources.
    • Review sections: Check students’ understanding of topics and their ability to apply historical skills and concepts.
    • Integrated media: Reading content with integrated media provides a dynamic and uninterrupted learning experience.
    • Available on learnON: Our powerful digital learning platform, connecting students and teachers for an immersive and interactive learning experience.

  • Authors

    Maureen Anderson

    Maureen has taught history for over 30 years, including periods as department Head at Kambala, Rose Bay and Rosebank College, Five Dock. She has contributed to syllabus writing for the NSW Board of Studies and taught within the Teacher Education Program at Macquarie University.

    Ian Keese

    Ian taught history for 30 years, including 25 years as a head teacher. He is a co-author of Retroactive 1 ; Retroactive 2 ; Retrospective: Year 11 Modern History and Medieval Quest for the New South Wales syllabuses; and the Retroactive Australian Curriculum for History 7–10 series. Ian has also contributed to the Macquarie Study Dictionary and has published journal articles, chapters in books and online articles on a range of history and education topics.

    Anne Low

    Anne has taught History and English for over 30 years, including two years in Papua New Guinea, and is currently at Freshwater Senior Campus. She has worked on secondment to Training and Development for the Department of Education.

    Kate Harvey

    Kate has taught History for over 30 years, with teaching qualifications from the University of Sydney and Sydney Teachers’ College. She has taught in high schools in Australia and Northern Ireland, including St Mary’s Cathedral College, Sydney.

    Brian Hoepper

    Brian was a Head of History in Queensland secondary schools before joining the Education faculty at QUT in Brisbane, where he taught History, History curriculum and SOSE curriculum. He subsequently worked for the National Centre for History Education and is now an independent consultant. Brian has written syllabus and curriculum documents at state and national levels and was an adviser in the development of the Australian Curriculum: History.

  • Offers and complementary products


    Bundle Icons Green


    Savings for the whole school

    Get Jacaranda Retroactive NSW Ac as part of the Jacaranda 7-10 Bundles or 7-12 eLibrary. Our whole-school offers give teachers and students access to trusted, high quality resources at a fraction of the normal cost.



    Jacaranda World History Atlas

    myWorld History Atlas is a unique digital atlas that brings to life the content of the printed Jacaranda World History Atlas.



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