Jacaranda Outcomes


NSW’s most trusted PDHPE series, reimagined for a new course

Everything you love about Outcomes, now delivered on Jacaranda’s powerful online learning platform, learnON.

Expert advice for Collaborative investigations and Depth studies

Unparalleled exam support

A complete teaching and learning toolkit

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Sample Chapters

Table of Contents

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Title information


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Outcomes 1 Health and Movement Science Year 11 6e learnON
ISBN: 9780730385233
Publication Date: 2024
RRP: $50.00


Digital + Print

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Title: Jacaranda Outcomes 1 Health and Movement Science Year 11 6e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730385325
Publication Date: 2024
RRP: $90


Sample Chapters

Table of Contents

learnON Tour

Title information


Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Outcomes 2 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education HSC Year 12 6e learnON
ISBN: 9781394237678
Publication Date: 2018
RRP: $50.00


Digital + Print

Select Plan

Title: Jacaranda Outcomes 2 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education HSC Year 12 6e learnON + Print
ISBN: 9780730365525
Publication Date: 2018
RRP: $90



Much more than a textbook

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• Get practical teaching advice and planning notes for every lesson in teachON
• Save time with our customisable work programs including Syllabus mapping
• Edit the Course Content to customise student learning and reduce cognitive load


• A sequenced set of subtopics to ensure 100% Syllabus coverage
• Resources to support a range of teaching styles (direct, flipped, self-directed)
• A Custom Exam Builder with Focus area and question filters, plus printable exam booklet


• Exam questions are unpacked with annotated and modelled responses, plus videos
• Complete topics that step students through Collaborative Investigations and Depth Studies
• Engage students with a multimodal learning experience, including videos and interactivities


• Depth Study Boxes give teachers practical ideas for every topic
• Students get plenty of practice with exam questions with samples responses in every topic
• Save time in assessing with ready-made Quick Quizzes and quarantined topic tests with sample responses


• Students get answers and sample responses for every question, at the point of learning
• Identify and act on areas of weakness early with instant reports and learning data

  • Authors

    Hayley Dean

    Hayley is a Principal Education Officer (PEO) at the NSW Department of Education, where she oversees policy, professional learning, and provides project support to the office of the Executive Director. Previously a Senior Curriculum Officer at theNSW Education Standards Authority, Hayley spearheaded the two-year development of the Health and Movement Science Stage 6 syllabus. Her commitment extends to advocacy, evident in her roles as a presenter at network, state, and national levels. She has also volunteered as Vice President and Board member of ACHPER NSW. She is currently completing her doctoral thesis at UNSW, focusing on cognitive science and the impact of teaching practices on student motivation, engagement, and achievement.

    Jade Hunt

    Jade Hunt has fifteen years’ experience as a Personal Development, Health and Physical Education teacher in secondary schools in NSW. For the past decade, she has been the Head of PDHPE at Amity College. In addition to her wealth of classroom experience, Jade is also a current HSC Senior Marker. With a passion for pedagogy, she has written a number of units of work and workbooks spanning a broad range of PDHPE topics. Moreover, Jade is a sought-after author of HSC PDHPE Trial papers that are utilised by numerous schools throughout NSW, further cementing her reputation as an accomplished education professional.

    Erin McMahon

    Erinn McMahon has 15 years’ experience as a PDHPE educator. She is a PDHPE Teacher and Head of House at Loreto Normanhurst, Sydney. Erinn completed a Bachelor of Health Science (PDHPE) at the University of Western Sydney and Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) at the Australian Catholic University. She also has her Certificate III in Fitness. Adding to her experience, Erinn is on the executive committee for the PDHPE Teachers Association, part of writing teams for HSC PDHPE Trial papers for multiple organisations, has marked HSC papers for PDHPE and been part of the writing teams for PDHPE Stage 4-6 texts within Jacaranda Publishing.

    Wade Richardson

    Wade Richardson has 14 years’ experience as a PDHPE teacher in primary and secondary settings in government and independent schools in New South Wales. He is currently in the role of Head of PDHPE and has engaged in syllabus writing for NESA, written teacher resources for Active Outcomes textbooks and Preliminary and HSC exams for the NSW PDHPE Teacher’s Association. Wade has also co-authored the Health and Physical Education textbooks for Years.7 & 8 and Years 9 & 10 for the Australian curriculum and is an experienced HSC marker for PDHPE.

    Clare Warren

    Clare Warren is a passionate educator with over 15 years’ experience teaching PDHPE in NSW at HSC level. Having completed post-graduate qualifications in a Masters of Education and Innovative Learning Design, she has a strong pedagogical approach that is informed by current educational research. Clare is a Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning and has led PDHPE faculties, designed and resourced curriculum that meets the diverse needs of students and equipped teachers to help students succeed in their academic endeavors.

    Ron Ruskin

    Ron Ruskin is an established and respected PDHPE teacher and has had several active roles and qualifications in sports coaching and examining. He was formerly the Head Teacher of PDHPE at Northmead High School but is now retired. Ron maintains a particular interest in basketball, touch football and golf, and in aquatics (as a former examiner for the Royal Lifesaving Society — Australia). He has also been a Senior Marker of the HSC for the NSW Board of Studies and has worked on the HSC advice line. Ron is a contributing author to the Jacaranda Outcomes and Jacaranda Active Outcomes series for senior and junior high-school students in New South Wales.

    Kim Harper

    Kim Harper is an ACHPER Board member and Deputy Principal, Student Wellbeing Initiatives NSW Department of Education. Kim currently leads a team responsible for the state-wide implementation of a mental health and suicide prevention programs in NSW government high schools. An experienced PDHPE teacher and Head teacher, Kim has taught at several schools and worked as a drug education consultant and relieving PDHPE Curriculum Advisor. Kim is passionate about PDHPE and its impact on the lives of students.

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